Elmwood Education – Maths created by teachers for teachers.

With your wealth of experience and knowledge and the ever changing classroom environment, we believe you are ideal to write for us and “inspire the next generation”

Whether you are a new writer or have previous experience we would love to hear from you.

To apply:

Please submit a draft chapter of either;

Key Stage 2 (Year 5) – Fractions (including decimal fractions, addition, subtraction, multiplication, & division of fractions)
Key Stage 3 (Year 9) – Trigonometry

Your chapter should include:

  • An explanation of the topic including a clear objective.
  • A minimum of two worked examples.
  • An appropriate number of questions with varying levels of difficulty
  • Separate numerical answers – worked solutions not required.

Please include a covering letter with your name, address, contact details and any relevant experience.