Pure Mathematics C3C4 – Out of Print
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Check out our new updated edition Essential Maths A Level Pure Mathematics Book 2.
This book together with Pure Mathematics C1 C2 is for candidates working towards A2 in Mathematics. They can be used both in the classroom and by students working on their own.
There are explanations, worked examples and numerous exercises which, it is hoped, will help students to build up confidence. The authors believe that people learn mathematics through repetition. The questions are graded in difficulty throughout the exercises.
The work is collected into sections on Algebra, Coordinate Geometry, Sequences and Series, Calculus, Trigonometry and Logarithms. Mathematics at this level can be very satisfying for students and an effort has been made to provide enough ‘easy’ questions for weaker students for whom mathematics is not a specialist subject. It is hoped that such students can maintain their motivation by experiencing regular success. More able students will find plenty to stimulate them in the later questions in exercises as well as the past examination questions.
In response to the requests of many teachers a section of past examination questions has been included. Teachers will note that the specifications and questions set by all the main boards are very similar. This book can be used with confidence when preparing for the AS/A2 examinations set by all the main boards.
ISBN: 9781 902 214 467